TAST, неделя 21. Стежок "бабочки". честно сказать, первое, что пришло в голову, - колючая проволока... но как-то, сами понимаете... потом - веревочка от воздушного змея.. но это я уже потом увидела в других работах. а больше ничего "гениального" в голову не пришло, она забита сейчас у меня квилтами и блоками :). так что - просто цветочки :)
TAST, week 21, Butterfly stitch. the first thing I imagine was barbed wire.. eer... so, the second attempt brought me kite rope, but a day later I saw this in other's works... no more ingenious came to my mind. there are quilts and blocks there only.... so, just flowers :)
Today is the last day to nominate your favorites in each of the categories for Spring Blogger Quilt Festival! You can still vote for your overall favorite, for the Viewer’s Choice Awards! just clock to word "vote" above your favorite work :)
TAST, week 21, Butterfly stitch. the first thing I imagine was barbed wire.. eer... so, the second attempt brought me kite rope, but a day later I saw this in other's works... no more ingenious came to my mind. there are quilts and blocks there only.... so, just flowers :)
да, сегодня последний день, когда можно проголосовать за понравившуюся работу в весеннем блоггерском квилт-фестивале! для этого нужно нажать на слово vote, расположенное НАД работой. :)
хорошего дня!
have a nice day!

Beautiful stitches Masha, perfect !!
ОтветитьУдалитьlove and hugs
chris richards
Dear Chris, thank you very much for your comment!
УдалитьMasha, You know that I love all of your stitches, your heart, and our conversations. Because of you, I am inspired to learn :)
ОтветитьУдалитьDear Zurn, thank you for your words.. and, I can't wait to see your finished embroidered crazy quilt block! :)
УдалитьWow, those are wonderful! I like the way you played with these, and the embellishments you added.
ОтветитьУдалитьthank you so much for your comment! I'm so glad, that you like it. it was just simple stitching..
УдалитьVery nicely done butterfly chain stitching. I especially like the fabric you used! Looking forward to seeing your knotted cretan stitches :)
ОтветитьУдалитьJenny, thank you for your comment! ...I'm still thinking about knotted cretan.... :)) maybe tomorrow?...